Tips You’re Invited – The Speak Easy WebinarJoin us March 16, 2025 at 12 pm ET to preview our most popular training – Speak Easy. Learn how to give the presentation you won’t want to miss. Get… Looking for your next job? We can helpFree Career Transitions Course We’ve been honored to work with USAID and other federal agencies and companies that support their missions. We’re opening up a free Career Transitions course… Advice for Keynotes & PanelsThe Conscious Business Zone podcast: Listen or watch here for insight on storytelling, how to take the conference stage, prepare as a panelist, and find common ground with others. Will AI make you a better speaker?We tried top AI speaker coaching solutions to find out. How to ListenWhen it comes to communication – whether workplace or personal – we focus on what we want to say and how to get others to understand. (I have this tendency.) Just because you can, doesn’t mean you shouldHow and why to avoid the big temptation in virtual presenting Get Better at Virtual Speaking + Give BackBy now you’ve been on more than a few (dozen) Zoom conferences. Upgrade those on-camera speaking skills by taking our one-hour webinar + fundraiser for Miriam’s Kitchen on May 6,… Moving the meeting to virtual? Use this toolPORTICO MEETING PREP WORKSHEET Participants often struggle to follow the conversation in remote formats. Last minute presentation? Do this.If you’ve experienced presentation procrastination and have limited time to prepare 1. Do some quick research What do you need to accomplish? Cringing as colleagues speak? How you can help“He’s bright. He’s a hard worker, but when he shows up in meetings he struggles to make a coherent point. This makes promotion difficult.” You, in the audience . . .Most presentations and meetings could be better. What can we apply from baseball for better public speaking?When warmer weather coincides with baseball’s Opening Day, we can take comfort that sometimes Washington DC gets it right. Caffeinating compliance presentationsYour company has a new directive that has to get out – maybe a compliance issue or a new expense reporting system. These “required” presentations can be painful to create (and… Holiday 2017: Free Presentation ResourcesIt’s the most wonderful time of the year! Except that you have some shopping, baking, and merrymaking to do in addition to your normal workload. How can I present to non-technical audiences?This is one of the most frequent questions we get, and it’s a problem that is driven by an information imbalance. HOW TO [GET OTHERS TO] LISTENA senior executive was dismayed when she saw the results of a company-wide survey on communications. Employees felt uninformed about the strategy and how their work fit into the bigger… Nothing more than feelings? Great presenters show emotionWe ask our clients what having better presentation skills might mean for their career. QUESTION OF THE YEAR – CAN YOU ANSWER IT?This year a request kept coming up from our clients. How can we answer the question, “What do you do?” Extreme Behaviors – Workplace BulliesPresentations often induce anxiety because you see firsthand how your colleagues react. You know whether they agree, disagree, or if they’ve found something of greater interest on their iPhone. All Roads Lead to EmailWhen clients talk about their presentations, they also ask how they can improve meetings: they’re too frequent, too long, too unproductive. Why Are We Dishonoring the Slide?How many of us have heard a presenter say: “I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this slide.” Present Better Tip: “If it can’t be good, let it be short”We are always working towards helping executives to present better. The other day while reading the What your manager wants to tell you (but probably isn’t) – executive presence, showing up in meetings…Today on the Portico PR blog, we welcome a contribution from a guest blogger, Rachael Bosch, on the subject of executive presence. Presenting when English isn’t your first languageA couple of years ago, I had an opportunity to give a guest lecture for a Public Relations class taught my by former boss and mentor, Frank Walton, Ph.D. Practice Makes Presentation GoldYou could have something in common with Michael Phelps, Simone Biles and Emily Infeld. Don’t repurpose decks. It could cost you Stephen Curry.When presentations don’t work – the client takes its business elsewhere, the board vetoes a program, or potential investors decline Power Posing: Too good to be true?Is power posing little more than a myth? In a profile of Amy Cuddy, The Washington Post talks about her rise to fame for using her own feelings of self… Tis the season of “best of” lists and budgets!Seasons Greetings If you needed a break from online shopping, planning a post-holiday detox or procrastinating on that presentation, look no further! The truth about those TED talk videosLast night my client took the stage at TEDxMidAtlantic. Giving a TEDx talk had been on her bucket list Ask the Expert: Dr. Chloe’s 3 tips for the Anxious PresenterWhen you’re asked to give a presentation, where do you fall on the anxiety spectrum? Even the most proficient and experienced presenters have some degree of nervousness Portico’s audience gets a bit biggerWhen I read about Jennifer Lawrence’s reaction to the Hollywood pay gap and how well intentioned –yet unrealistic — it was to discount the importance of being nice Need images for your presentation? Sources for all budgets (+ free!)Images can play a powerful role in conveying a concept or emotion. When we spend time thinking about which kind of image would resonate Recycle plastic, not presentationsWhen you’re asked to prepare a presentation, what’s the first thing you do? More often than not, your answer will be either “Panic” or “Open up an old presentation deck… Are you plagued by the voice quiver? Here’s help.For some of us, speaking up in a meeting or asking a question in front of a large audience can be kind of a big deal. As we’re formulating our thoughts Think again before opening that PPT file, reason #37Presentation software works best when combining visuals with text. If you’re only using text, reconsider whether a PPT is the best medium for your message. 3 Steps to Moderating a Great Panel Congratulations! You’ve been asked to moderate a panel discussion. Receiving this kind of invitation is an endorsement Fewer and better meetings? Here’s how.If you’re wondering how to maximize your productivity at the office, reconsidering the meeting is a good place to start. Name that font…This British font is remembered as much for its simple beauty as its tragic end, the casualty of dissolved business partnership. Amy Schumer, Presentation IconComedian Amy Schumer seems to be everywhere. Her “Trainwreck” movie with Judd Apatow follows the end of her third Comedy Central Stock photos just got some star power. . .cue Vince VaughnAs much as visuals can clarify and reinforce messages, if we pick the wrong ones we can distract or otherwise undermine our intent. Does your presentation need some design love?Many of us create our own slides without ever having taken a graphic design course. The results are sometimes tragic. Can we make ourselves appear (authentically) smarter?Presentations and meetings can cause cause anxiety. We worry about how our audience, whether strangers or colleagues, might perceive our intelligence and abilities. These fears are not baseless; how we… Write Better: 17 Copywriting Do’s and Don’tsGreat presentations start with great messages. How we say something is as important as what it is we’re saying if we want our audience to pay attention 10 tips for better slide decks from TEDToday we’re sharing advice from TED’s Aaron Weyenberg, who creates such amazing slide decks that people ask for his autograph. Name that FontI love fonts. Most have their own history. (A great read on this is Just My Type by Simon Garfield). Presenting when English isn’t your 1st languageThis spring I had an opportunity to give a guest lecture for a Public Relations class taught my by former boss and mentor, Frank Walton, Ph.D. Attn Conference Organizers: It Takes 2Depending on your music preferences, “It Takes 2” might recall songs by Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock or Marvin Gaye. The Passive Aggressive MeetingIt’s Monday morning, which means millions of staff meetings are coming to order across Corporate America. The majority of presentations we make take place in internal meetings. When I work… Presenting to (Really) Big AudiencesFor anyone who has ever planned a corporate event of any size, the details and logistics can be daunting. Now take that to an enormous scale, where several hundred, March 30th, 2014How we present shapes how people perceive our intelligence and experience. Despite the frequency that we present, and its importance to our career Ban PPT? The military is not alone on this.This week Foreign Policy magazine examines the problem of PPT in the military. The 3 Step Cure for Presentation Procrastination3 Step Cure for Presentation Procrastination from Portico. Present Better Radio Host Turned Presenter ExtraordinaireMeet David Saltzman, a communications expert and former insurance industry and association executive who has given more than 1000 presentations How to prepare for a presentation to the Board of DirectorsDeveloping an effective presentation requires an understanding of our audience. What do they know, and what do they want to know? The Conference Call We’ve All Been On. . .This YouTube clip from Tripp & Tyler is a humorous take on the frustrating reality of conference calls. What can we do to remove some of the biggest annoyances 3 phrases to diffuse tense Q&A sessionsPresenters either enjoy the Q&A session, or would rather do away with it altogether. Making sense of data through better visualizations.Making sense of data through better visualizations. An easy way to improve your messagesOne of the easiest ways to make the most of your, and your audience’s time, is by removing filler language from your work. Knowing why we make New Year’s resolutions can also make us better presentersIts that time of year again. Media are full of articles and tips on how to set and succeed at resolutions. Visual Language, The Science of Comic StripsVisual Language, The Science of Comic Strips Fast Company talks to Psychologist Neil Cohn of University of California at San Diego* about the visual language of comic strips. Respect your audience’s time by not talking about itIf you give your audience a preview of what you’ll cover, you’re helping them follow along. If you warn them that “there’s a lot to go through,” If you have to prepare a presentation on short notice, make this your priorityGreat presentations require weeks, if not months, of preparation and practice. However, we don’t always have the luxury of time: the board wants an update 3 Steps to a Better Webinar Start Reward those who log on early. Twenty minutes before your Webinar begins, rotate slides. “We need a presentation on . . .”Welcome to the Present Better blog, a forum to share what works (and what doesn’t) when developing, designing and delivering