Need images for your presentation? Sources for all budgets (+ free!)

image of camera on the ground in nature

Images can play a powerful role in conveying a concept or emotion.

When we spend time thinking about which kind of image would resonate most effectively, we often find that our own library of photos lacks variety. Whether you have a large, mid-sized, modest – to non existent –  budget, there are a range of options available to acquire image and image rights.

If you have a (sizable) budget and would like photos of news events, celebrities, or stock photos, there’s AP Image or Getty Images. They price images based on what you plan to use the image for – commercial vs. educational – as well as format – website, print, presentation.

If you’re looking for lower cost, more generic images (sans politicians, athletes, actors) visit ThinkStock (part of Getty) or Shutterstock. Most of these sites have “lightboxes” or folders where you can save and compare images before deciding which ones to purchase. They frequently offer specials and package discounts if you want to start at a lower entry price than the monthly or annual subscriptions.

For those without a budget, fear not. Check out Pexels, Cupcake and NegativeSpace (no registration required). Some sites request that you credit their work or consider their company if you’re in the need for advertising services.(The image above is from Pexels via

If you have sources you’d recommend, let us know.

Happy searching!

P.S. For more information on the legal definitions, pricing and usage rights, check out the Creative Common License, or consult your attorney. Contrary to one professor of quantitative visualization and author of more than 4 books on the subject, Google images aren’t “free for the taking.” I was in disbelief at this part of his seminar – as well as during a few other odd moments – but that’s a different subject.