Speak Easy
Give the presentation you wouldn’t want to miss.
Be more strategic about why and how you present.
We spend most of our working hours in meetings, giving or listening to presentations. Yet few speakers give a presentation that they would want to attend themselves. In this fast-paced workshop, you’ll get insight into becoming more effective and comfortable in the many settings you present.
- Shift from speaker-centric to audience-centric presentations.
- Make smarter decisions about how to prepare.
- Have the conversations that will drive decisions.
- Elevate your vocals and body language with techniques you can use immediately.
When speakers know what outcome they are working towards and understand the audience, they speak more naturally and conversationally. It requires less work. These speakers can deliver on the big stage, and they’re quicker on their feet for impromptu conversations. This relaxed, intuitive confidence is the “feeling” that speakers aspire to and gives audiences the authenticity they crave.
Support your team with ideas you can use now.
Nearly every leader has watched their direct report struggle through a presentation. Maybe they read directly from slides, or they’re not reading the room. Beyond feeling uncomfortable, the business and professional impact can be wide-reaching:
- Lost productivity
- Delayed decision-making
- Missed promotions
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