Does your presentation need some design love?

hands holding striped heart

Many of us create our own slides without ever having taken a graphic design course. The results are sometimes tragic.

For those of us who have the benefit of working with a graphic designer, we’re not always making the most of this relationship. I recall conversations I had over the years and cringe at the missed opportunities. If I had some design knowledge and basic terminology I probably could have provided better feedback than “I like it” or “I don’t like it.”

As part of our mission to help everyone present better, we’re launching a slide makeover series.

This is your chance to send presentation slides to Portico’s team of graphic designers.

We’ll select a few slides and show the “before” and “after.” Most important, we’ll explain the relevant design principles so that you can apply them to your own work. Since we’ll be sharing the slides with the Portico community, we recommend that you remove any sensitive information or identifying information that you wouldn’t want to make public (on this blog, our Facebook, SlideShare, the twittershphere).

Fear not, there won’t be any mocking. We’re here to learn how to present better in a supportive and constructive environment. Besides, names will be changed to protect identities.

To enter your work into our Slide Makeover Series, email us at decks at

Please share the makeover series with friends and colleagues who might need some design love. Thank you!

