for impact.

How a speaker performs in a meeting determines whether they reach their goal. Will the audience decide, commit resources, or find a way to delay, “circling back” to “review next steps”?

Every time someone speaks, they have an impact on your company. Meetings are where speakers solve problems, innovate, and drive productivity…or waste time.

We work with leaders and their teams to elevate presentations, meetings, and workplace conversations. Through our training and coaching, we help your employees embrace the science of storytelling, influence, and persuasion.

We also address the reasons that hold speakers back: anxiety or impostor syndrome, or perhaps they struggle to read the room. Our programming is based on the power of knowing how audiences learn and why they act on information. This insight gives speakers the tools to move ideas forward, changing how they prepare and brief executives, facilitate panels, and sign investors. 

Our communication training is tailored to the presentations you give, the audiences you speak to, and the results you seek:

  • Associations create a change in policy, drive engagement, and keep members.
  • Private equity firms sign investors and portfolio companies.
  • Executives get board approvals and endorsements.
  • Human Resource professionals change behaviors through training and reach performance metrics on morale and retention.
  • Management consultants meet targets on employee morale, business development, and client satisfaction.
What do you want from your next meeting? 

We provide foundational skills to large groups, run immersive courses with smaller groups, and on-demand coaching and design.

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